This afternoon as I was morphing into a couch potato before some football on TV, my mind was drifting aimlessly. Not unlike the images on the screen at the mercy of the remote in my hand, my thoughts moved from one subject to another. I began to jot them down on a sheet of paper.
Somehow by surfing between the football games, CNN, the Weather Channel, TV Land, Sci-Fi, etc., I found that I had filled the sheet front and back with a plethora of unrelated Thoughts of Randomness. With a few printed images from a book I once received as a gift added to those thoughts, I had material for today's post.
I had already posted the regular two samples of my Poodle Doodles comic strip above. I'm afraid that's where the creativity ends today.

Carson Kressley was seen in Bar Harbor, Maine. He heard Kyle was coming and was expecting a big blow.
If something's unladylike or fattening, it's probably a lot of fun.
When I told my wife I needed more space, she locked me outside.

Go to heaven for the climate, hell for the company. -Mark Twain
Do professional fishermen take a week off to go accounting?

That's why
we have

"A psychic with caller ID"...LMAO!
I am not sure if I've told you yet...I love your comic strips :)
Man, you are all over the place today. Nicely done.
You saved the best for last.
A psychic with caller ID would have certainly have an edge over the paranormal forces, wouldn't she?
Thank you. The comic strips were a lot of fun to draw - when I was drawing them.
I'm hoping to continue them once I finish publishing the old ones.
Have I told you that you look - uh, nice - in your profile pic? :oP
Yep, all over the place - randomly.
Yeah, I held that for last on purpose - a fitting closing remark.
i like the poodle doodles!
I enjoyed drawing them. Missy has been gone for some time, but she's lives on in my strip.
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