The weather reports had been calling for anywhere between 9 to 14 inches and that it would be falling at a rate of a half-inch per hour. The meteorologists were almost dead on! There is at least a foot of the white stuff out there.
I'll soon be firing up the snow blower, and I will most definitely use the electric starter!
From the drawing pad of my POODLE DOODLES comic strip I scanned the only three cartoons I had drawn featuring the winter time antics of "Missy." Laughing about a lot of snow is far more entertaining that trying to clean up after it.

"All right, lady" said the bill collector, "how about the next installment on that couch?"
The lady shrugged and said, "Better than having to give you the money, I guess."

There was a man who wanted to get something for his wife, but no one would start the bidding.
While attending an engagement party given by his friends, the reformed player and his pals sat at the end of the bar and cast an eye over the assembled guests.
"You know," the groom-to-be declared to his best man, "I've slept with every girl here except for my sister and my fiancee."
"That's interesting," his best man replied. "Between the two of us, we've had them all."
Creeping around to the bedroom window, two private detectives finally caught their client's wife in bed with another man.
"Just as I suspected," said the first. "Let's go after him."
"Great idea," the other replied with lust in his eyes. "How soon do think he'll be finished?"
A woman walked into a convenience store and asked the clerk if they sold extra-large condoms.
He replied, "Yes, we do. Would you like to buy some?"
"No," she said, "but do you mind if I wait here until someone does?"
(If you missed the Friday installment of the on-going short story "The Strange Story of Mr. Black and Ms Gray," you can find Part 7 Here. )
№ 1559
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, indeed.
The jokes are funny too. snerx.
G'day Mate
Merry Xmas fro down under
Enjoy the season
And a Merry Christmas to you too, my friend.
A Merry Christmas to you as well.
I'm glad you liked the jokes. Finding fresh jokes is becoming quite a task at times.
G'Day right back atcha, Mate.
From "up over" a Merry Christmas" to you and yours "down under."
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