What's wrong with this picture? My chores for today included filling the gas can and getting the snow blower ready to be fired up tomorrow. An errand found me at the hardware store picking up some ice melt. In new England that is not unusual activity for the middle of November.
Yet, it seemed to be a fool's folly today. It was mild. The temperature was 65 degrees! It might seem that I'm looking forward to snow. NFW! Not on your life.
They have a saying up here; "If you don't like the weather, wait a minute!". There is no snow in the immediate forecast for this area, but the weather reports has the day time temps in the 30s for Tuesday and Wednesday. That is just about cold enough for snow fall. Parts of New York, western Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine have already had their first snowfalls. Some mid western states have also seen the white stuff.
Enough of that four-letter word!
This time of year is also when many of you will be making plans for Christmas parties. If a Christmas party you are going to be attending happens to be an office party, Playboy Magazine offers up the following tips of "no-no's":

№ 1526
If you like puns, oh mighty PUNdit, you will love my comment to your comment about Christmas for retirees.
party fouls - LOL!!
"cheeses of nazareth" - groan...
That's pretty clever....LOL
Snow? Get thee behind me, Satan!
That weather saying? I think everywhere in the country says that.
Gee, Pointer....you got me and the Scamp with out-loud chuckles...:
Cheeses of Nazareth.
Best thing I've seen on the net for awhile.
I checked it out - and I did.
LOL! There as a disclaimer - I am a PUNdit of puns.
I don't remember hearing that weather saying anywhere else, but it stands to reason it could be used just about anywhere.
Glad to evoke a chuckle out of you and Scamp.
That "Cheeses of Nazareth" cartoon - I've been sitting on it for a week waiting for a chance to use it.
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