There is that one time that we desire privacy. We crave, no demand uncontested solitude. It is a time for cleansing of the soul, so to speak. Unfettered, free to contemplate, I am better able to solve the world's economical problems. Ah, the solution to thirty-two across finally popped into my head! Who knew that "futhork" is a runic language? Neither escaping me nor inspiring me, was the fact that I still hadn't gotten around to recaulking the bath tub.
Any library, such as mine as an example, needs reading material. Mine is usually well stocked. On most days there will be available such titles as Readers Digest, People, TV Guide, and of course The National Enquirer. One needs to be relaxed when there is, pardon the pun, a load on one's mind. While entertaining and educational, the Enquirer is also practical. Have you ever discovered too late that the roll is empty? Not to worry, the solution is at hand. One page sacrificed is one's dignity preserved!
I wouldn't be surprised if Einstein was in his "fortress of solitude" when E=MC squared was formulated in his brain. Perhaps Adam was deep in contemplation when Eve handed him the apple. I always thought that James Joyce must have been under some duress when he wrote "Ulysses."
Nonetheless, the Daily Constitutional jump starts the populace. One less burden is one less problem to work out. From the confines of that personal "office" today are spawned the solutions of tomorrow! Over burdened? Sit down and think it over, let it out, and take a load off your shoulders. Whether solving the Times' crossword puzzle, reading about Brad and Jennifer, or just relieving the pressure upon and within us, we need to take that daily respite. By discharging any pressure, we can take charge of our minds as well as our bodies.
No matter what you call it, making a bombing run, working out, losing a pound or two, or fertilizing the drains, I know that the end result is rewarding.
Now, if you will excuse me please, it is time for my Daily Constitutional!
(If you like anal retentive writing check out:
No. 143
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