This was at a lovely outdoor wedding reception last summer. The bride was Nicole, who will be a maid in Gretchen's wedding this coming October. Win

Family, say hello to the nice Bloggers. Don't worry, their blogs are much worse than their bytes! Seriously, they are a great bunch of people.
Bloggers, contrary to all the rumors, the Pointmeister family sees no resemblance to us and the Flinstones! It is only a matter of bad lighting

Yes, our family car does have a few miles on it, but isn't THAT old! Our car isn't much different than that of anyone else in the town of Bedrock ... er ... Everett, Massachusetts. We live in a country cape, not in a stone house.
Hmm, it appears that my family sees some resemblance in some of you to some celebrities. John, Duke of Earl, reminds them of George Jetson. Hoss, brings El Kabong to mind. Schnoodlepooh conjures up images of Sweet Polly Purebred. Because of her murder story, Karyn gets to be Jessica Fletcher. Blue, it seems you are likened to Droopy.
This is shaping up to be a challenge! Fellow Bloggers, your mission, should you accept it, is to come up with your own characters, real or toon, that you feel you might resemble, and who you think others may resemble. Obviously, not everyone has a pic to go by, but each of us do exhibit traits in our posts and comments to each other. If I had to choose someone to whom I might be compared, perhaps I would pick the Pink Panther. Why? Well, I am kind of mischievous and I try to be cool!
This is

Apologies to one and all for my characterizations, buy hey, they say payback is a bitch! I am looking forward to see if anyone wants to play along. I have thick skin, and I think we all can take a joke. ... As always should any of your team be captured or killed in this endeavor, your actions will be disavowed. This blog will self destruct .....
Jessica Fletcher??? Isn't Angela Lansbury like a hundred years old...or dead? Okay, I understand where you're coming from with my murder mystery, but if I had to pick a Jessica, it would be Jessica Rabbit! "I'm not bad...I just write that way..."
Okay, quit smirking. You said I could pick who I wanted.
P.S. Mike, thanks for sharing your family pic...nice looking bunch!
P.S.S. And thanks for including me in your post...I suppose any attention is better than none.
Smirking? Mischievous, remember. If you wear that dress Jessica Rabbit wore - then I'll frame Roger!
What a wonderful photo of you and your family. That's a really nice group photo. Thanks for sharing that!
And yes, the lover of animals applies, but not the femme fatale. I could use some Honey-Do rescue around my house, but that's about all the rescue I could handle.
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