With a far-reaching network of contributors, The Pointmeister has discovered these license plates on various vehicles in the state of Oregon.
It appears that Old Hoss has a fleet of vehicles scouring the state to find ways to make his pile.

Curiously, the following plate was seen in Washington state. Can it be that Peg has some endeavors of her own to make h

If there was doubt about how enterprising she may be, t

And in Texas, is there any doubt who these might be?*
*(If you would like to make your own license plates check out:http://www.acme.com/licensemaker )
Some children..... Sheesh!
Love the plates! Actually, now you've given me a grand idea. The next time mine renews, maybe I'll get one of those personalized plates!
If I put these on the front of my car then my reputation really will precede me. Thanks for thinking of me (I think.)
I came, I saw, I duct taped... is my anthem in life. :-)
Funny how after 33-34 years you still see yourself as a hillbilly. It just never leaves does it?
No, Inanna, it never does. You can take the boy out of he hills, but you can't take the hills out of the boy.
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