My original piece is still saved on word, but tonight I was uninspired to tackle it again. Then I found a site where you can make Motivational Posters .You load a picture, give it a title and think up a motivational thought to finish it. Simple. (Clicking on each poster will give a larger view.)
I had the following picture in my files because - I like it. It suggests reaching for your goals. That's inspirational I thought.

Then I had the idea that these posters could be used in other ways too. Why not create cards? I could have used this one last month for Valentine's Day. For that matter, I just might use it in March for our 35th Wedding Anniversary.

Having a sudden craving for some ice cream, this one popped into my mind in a trice! There's nothing wrong with a poster that depicts the finer things in life.

It's been quite a few years since I last worked in an office environment. One thing I remember vividly are those individuals who would stop at nothing to get ahead. I'm certain that may people out there work with these individuals who can be referred to as brown nosers, apple polishers, and the more proper and fitting sobriquet of ass kissers. If this were hanging on the boss' door, I wonder if they would get the message?

I remember that Mondays were sometimes difficult to get oneself motivated. I seriously doubt that this poster would change that fact.

Of course, posters can always be used to make a political statement.

Finally, a poster can express one's opinion on matters sensitive. While I have reservations about capital punishment in general, I do think that the punishment for perverts, pedophiles and rapists should be doled out befitting their crimes.

LOL@ kiss a sphinx, STOMP.
Have you ever seen the motivational posters at
Me thinks they messeges be great too.
I will go for the banana split.
Great stuff, Mikey.
Geez, I think I've kissed a few sphinxs. I'm with Steve -- that banana split looks to die for.
That's where these posters were created, Scary - at
I am sorry you are having that blogger trouble. I was having the same thing happen not too long ago. It is frustrating.
Great posters!
Thanks for the link.
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