Sunday, June 03, 2007

Sunday B'Loonz

Ah, the male of the species has a one-track mind and can be full of HOT air!
....So it is, even in the world of the B'Loonz !

Why not scroll on down and sneak a peek ?

(Click on panels 1 & 2 for larger images and to read text.)


(The above strip is dedicated to you, Jules.)

While I'm on a balloon theme, here's a familiar "balloon toon" from the net.

Here's a few words of wis-dumb in the form of speech balloons:

Finally, even in world of the B'Loonz, the dramas of life exist.

Miss the debut of B'Loonz? Check it out.



jules said...

Wow, they look JUST like me! Thanks Mikey. And thanks for the private cartoon. You crack me up.

Christina said...

LOL at "surprise balloons" cartoon!

Hale McKay said...

You're welcome, Jules. I am still finding it difficult to draw with the mouse.

Serena said...

LOL. Love those b'loonz.