..."Another year over, a new one just begun."
- John Lennon
2008! Where does the time go anyway? It seems like only yesterday that it was 2007. I trust everyone is having/ has had a good and safe celebration of the New Year. May your hangovers be light!
Here in Boston the New Year festivities are celebrated with "First Night". I have always wondered why they chose that name, First Night. Think about it, nearly all of the celebrating occurs before midnight. Should it not be called "Last Night?" Better yet, what's wrong with "First Morning?" After all, once all those kissers are finished kissing it is morning.

Remember the very first electronic video game, PONG? Did anyone else own the Odyssey game console? For your pleasure and a trip down memory lane, why not play a game or two below. Use your mouse to move the paddle on the right to return the volleys by the computer. The game ends when either you or the computer scores 10 points. (You can get your own by clicking on the "Pyzam" link at the bottom of the image.)
...And to think that when that game was introduced in the early 70s, we thought it was a technological wonder!

What is the definition of a hangover?
The Grapes of Wrath

Happy New Year!
Thanks, Karen. I needed that.
Here's to many more good jokes in 2008, Hale!
G'day Greetings from Down under
Happy new year
Look forward to another year of top blogs
Take care
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