Argosy - biography of a buccaneer
Asperse - a fanny pack
Bacon Strip - what Kermit saw at the all nude girlie revue starring Miss Piggy
Circumstance - the condition where one's girth makes it difficult to see the feet on which one stands (see graphic above)
Conniption - a male reaction to a woman wearing a tight tee-shirt in an air conditioned room
Constable - where prisoners sit to eat
Elixir - what a woman hopes a man will do after he removes her underpants
Endive - the letter "e"
Experiment - hardened wads found under desk tops or movie theater seats
Falsify - to wear a padded bra
Freezer - divorces his wife
Insinuate - when you had dinner at the house of your mistress
Innuendo - one way to get in your house when you lose your keys
Java Script - a cup of coffee and the morning paper
Johnny Walker - a hospital ambulatory device
Judo - unleavened bread
Masturbator - one who is adept at putting the worm on the fish hook
Morale - a corral for boats
Nitrates - they kick in after the day rates
Parables - two bovine males
Parsimony - what a preacher pays his ex-wife
Piston - much, much worse than pistoff
Queue - powerful alien tormentor on Star Trek: The Next Generation
Rhubarb - Ru Paul's sister who dresses up as a man
Socrates - a male practice of placing something, such as a sock, in the front of his pants in order to appear more endowed
№ 1719
yawp...sownds akkrat h'yar ;)
I shure tried to be akkrat.
I hope you have a wonderful Father's Day! :)
Thank you.
As always, it is good to hear from you.
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