They are the Super Heroes, their deeds making them seemingly larger than life. They are the real world Justice League or the Avengers. Their super star status is perpetuated by the adoring minions of the media. Their lives will become the fodder of tomorrow's history lessons in ink that is indelible. Journalists are not partial to heroes either. What collection of Super Heroes would be complete without a Rogues Gallery? Indeed, the villains are touted with as much fluff as are the heroes. In many cases the nefarious seem to garner more headlines and amass more air time than the do-gooders.
Whether hero or villain, famous or infamous, they are different from their comic book counterparts. Besides being real, they do not wear spandex suits, capes, or sport masks. There is no "whoosh" when they spring into action. There is no "pow" when they battle their challengers. Their exploits are not found in DC or Marvel, but rather on ABC, CBS, NBC, or CNN.
No, these heroes and villains aren't decked out in colorful regalia. No, the don't change from civilian secret identities inside a telephone booth. They don't ride cosmic surfboards or fly invisible robot airplanes. They don't have secret bases of operations inside Bat Caves or Fotresses of Solitude. The true heroes operate out of Fire Stations and out of Police Stations.
Who are these defenders of the universe? Who are those who would destroy the Earth? Without black or white hats, how do we distinguish the villain or the hero? That is the rub, my friend, how indeed?
A former heroine to some turns to the dark side, how does she end up more popular than before? Martha Stewart, aka The Swindler, shouldn't have seen freedom for twenty years, but instead off too easy only to resume her villainy. Despite her crimes, the public fueled by the deluge of positive press, actually felt sorry for her. Bonnie and Clyde were also guilty of crimes against humanity, but paid the ultimate penalty. They too were idolized by the public, but reached super star status thanks to the journalists. Although they died, the reached the same anti-hero status as reported in ink that is indelible.
Meanwhile, the Guardians of the Universe have forsaken the Green Lantern. The press assuming the role of the Guardians have dared to pull on Superman's cape. They have removed the mask from the Lone Ranger. They have forgotten their purpose to report the news as it happens, choosing instead to embellish it with their own slants on the facts making it indelible!
The flock, those of us who read the papers and watch the news broadcasts, are the sheep following blindly. When did it happen that we began to let someone else decide who is the hero or the villain? Well we got it wrong with Martha. We got it wrong with O.J. We got it wrong with Bonnie and Clyde. We will probably get it wrong with Michael Jackson too. Those facts are indelible! They are The Indelibles!
I, for one am no longer influenced by The Indelibles. I make my own decisions based on the facts and stick to it. If I have any doubt, I know how and where to get help.
I turn on the Bat Signal ! (Another foe of the Indelibles is Letter Man, aka BlueDillyDilly: http://bluedillydilly.blogspot.com
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