Why should we use little words -- why not throw in high-octane words and send readers scrambling for their dictionaries? In the following statements that is exactly what you will find. All are familiar proverbs which have been converted into tongue-twisting twaddle. Do you think you can translate them into simpler English and come up with the original proverb? (The answers will be posted tomorrow.)
(1) A mass of concreted earthy material perenially rotating on its axis will not accumulate an accretion of byrophytic vegatation.
(2) A superabundance of talent skilled in the preperation of gatronomic concoctions will impair the quality of a certain potable solution made by immersing a gallinaceous bird in embullient Adam's ale.
(3) Individuals who perforce are constrained to be domiciled in vitreous structures of patent frangibility should on no account employ petrous formations as projectiles.
(4) That prudent avis which matutinally deserts the coziness of its abode will ensnare a vermiculate creature.
(5) Everything that coruscates with effulgence is not ipso facto aurous.
(6) Do not dissipate your competence by hebetudinous prodigality lest you subsequently lament an exiguous inadequacy.
(7) An addle-pated beetlehead and his specie divaricate with startling prematurity.
(8) It can be no ther than a maleficient horizontally propelled current of gaseous matter whose portentous advent is not the harbinger of a modicom of beneficence.
(9) One should hyperesthetically exercise macrography upon that situs which one will eventually tenant if one propels oneself into the troposphere.
(10) Aberration is the hallmark of homo sapiens while longanimous placability and condonation are the indicia of supramundane omniscience.
Isn't that the guy from "A Clockwork Orange"?
my answer(s)
1. a rolling stone gathers no moss.
2. what the heck?
3. don't cast the first stone (whatever that one is?)
4. no clue
5. what did you say?
6. I'm so bad at this
7. don't eat bugs
8. I can't say what I think this one means
9. my oh my
10. this is really embarrassing.
(maybe I should sign "anonymous")
lol point, nice blog...here are my guesses, although i think schnoodle had the right idea...
1. (see schnoodle's answer)
2. Too many cooks spoil the soup.
3. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
4. The early bird gets the worm. (I'd have sworn schnoodle would have gotten that one)
5. All that glitters isn't gold.
6. Don't sell yourself short? (just a guess on this one)
7. No idea here, ill just guess "A fool and his money are soon parted" and leave it at that.
8. This one is either "an Ill wind blowing", or "The smellers'the feller", if you know what I mean.
9. No idea at all on this one, not even a guess.
10. To err is human, to forgive is divine.
Hope your home improvement project is going well, as I too know the joy of a one or two week long "weekend project". lol
Have a good one point!
Yes, that is Malcom McDowell from "A Clockwork Orange."
pretty good job blue. Good to hear from you.
Answers will be separate post.
That's a very old movie. Did you ever see it? It used to be one of my favorites when I was MUCH YOUNGER. Now I think it's fairly disgusting and don't know why on earth I liked it except that the soundtrack was FANTASTIC.
Weird, huh?
Yes, I saw A Clockwork Orange a few times - I could even speak some their language (very detailed in the book - not much used in movie) It was never a favorite film of mine - even now I wouldn't make it a point to watch it.
1. A rolling stone gathers no moss.
2. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
3. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
4. The early bird catches the worm.
5. All that glitters is not gold.
6. Don’t sell yourself short.
7. A fool and his money are soon parted.
8. It’s in your window that blows nobody any good.
9. Look before you leap.
10. To err is human, to forgive is divine.
My number eight above should read, “it’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good”.
Thank you auto correct.
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