Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Old-Fashioned Gold Digger

Just an old-fashioned love song playin' on the radio
And wrapped around the music is the sound
Of someone promising they'll never go
What do think of public service speeches for a fee? If that person really cared about the people they are speaking to, why wouldn't they offer to do it for free? If the person at the podium once had the same problem as those in the audience, does it make them the ideal speaker?
You swear you've heard it before
As it slowly rambles on
No need in bringin' `em back,`
Cause they're never really gone
Does the fact that the speaker was a dumb gullible blonde bimbo, qualify her to offer advice to help other women to bounce back from their hardships? Because she has been there and done that?
Just an old-fashioned love song
One I'm sure they wrote for you and me
Just an old-fashioned love song
Comin' down in 3-part harmony
Her purpose maybe could be considered noteworthy if the audience were also gullible blonde bimbos. Did all those women in her audiences get involved with a married man also? "Oh, I didn't know he was married. He didn't tell me he was married." Duh! "He wasn't wearing a wedding band!" Of course not!
To weave our dreams upon and listen to each evening
When the lights are low
To underscore our love affair
With tenderness and feeling that we've come to know
Of course, plenty of men play these games. But they are like big-game hunters, they know what they are looking for and the habits of their prey. (He wasn't wearing a wedding ring?) You are exactly the kind of bimbo he is after!
You swear you've heard it before
As it slowly rambles on and on and
No need in bringin' `em back,
`Cause they're never really gone
Have you checked up on Amber Frey lately? Talk about a gold digger! It seems the girl has become an expert of sorts. She is on the circuit of motivational speakers now. (Move over Suze.) Her speeches are going to help the women, victims like herself, to bounce back from their rough times.
Just an old-fashioned love song
Comin' down in 3-part harmony
Just an old-fashioned love song
One I'm sure they wrote for you and me
From gullible mistress to a murder trial witness to a self-help guru - only in America, the land of opportunity, could the Amber Freys of the world heal themselves and venture out on a crusade to save her sisters.
Just an old-fashioned love song
Comin' down in 3-part harmony
For a nominal fee of $19.99, Amber will offer her voice of experience. The sad thing in all of this, women are actually forking over their cash! Twenty bucks a pop! Didn't she make a sweet enough deal on the book? Or is this a gimmick to boost book sales?
Just an old-fashioned love song
One I'm sure they wrote for you and me
Her paramour was no prize for sure, but she isn't wasn't exactly a pillar of integrity herself. I think that instead of receiving a check, she is dire need of a reality check!
To weave our dreams upon and listening to a song . .

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Good point! And then there's Jennifer Willbanks, the runaway bride, who is now climbing the celebrity ladder too. I can't believe her fiance' didn't know she was nuts, but then again he is sticking around still trying to get her to marry him. I guess like attracts like.