Schnoodlepooh - the star maker!
Seriously, Peg is an agent, a promoter and a marketing mogul. Be prepared when you are chosen Star of the Week ! Watch your counter spin!
It is a very good idea that Peg came up with. She will choose a different blogger each time to write about. It is a trickle-down effect - a domino principle - but the readers do drop by - in droves! She uses a line from Field of Dreams : "Build it, they will come." Write it, they will read it!

Wow, Mike. I'm honored. And I'm going to steal every one of your banners on this post to use on mine!
Really, I was trying to make some yesterday in Publisher and finally gave up. Where do you find these?
And thanks for the thanks! It's fun!
There is no link back to Baxter?
(Forgive oversight. Just now found your description of my new shows.)
Scnoodlepooh: your welcome. As for the banners there is a link on my sidebar "flaming text." Also you can lick on floating dragon. The site has a lot of different fonts to choose from - you have to play around with numbers for sizes of fonts - 24, 48, 70 etc. You create your own words, or phrases.
Dawn:Steal away - where do you think I got em? Feel free to save and paste any images I use.
HossAh the new shows. Will see how you liked them when i read comments on that post.
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