Sunday, July 09, 2006

Bear With Me

Mr. Gary Larsen, I know your Farside cartoons are copyright protected, but I stole this picture from someone else, who stole it from someone ... etc. I am not using this particular famous cartoon to so much enhance my blog, but rather to promote a fellow Blogger and her charity.
....Lord knows I don't need to be promoting myself. As some of you readers no doubt know, I already exhibited some self back-patting to have my Blog chosen over at FTS' place as "Blog Of The Week." I look at it that I saved him some work trying to decide which Blog to feature for the week of July 9-15.

....Hence, I am using the cartoon as a symbol of deflecting attention away from myself and toward a most deserving friend, the lovely Monty.
....How about paying her a visit? Do it now and then come back here - if you wish. Monty is going to be participating in the 24-hour Blogathon on July the 29th. She needs sponsors. If you can spare a few bucks, why not make a pledge in her behalf. Her charity is United Cerebral Palsy, in honor of her own son.
....Here's a kicker to make it worth your while. For every $100 she raises in pledges, Monty has promised to put up an audio post of herself singing a song! True to her word, upon reaching the first hundred dollars, she has indeed posted a song.
....So I got this brainstorm! Let's make this sweet Okie chick sing her ass off by running up the tote board. (Drum Roll) Today is the ninth, maybe we can get twenty songs out of her between now and the 29th! She did say she will take requests.
....Of course, you can listen to her songs without making a pledge, but why would you want to do that? I couldn't listen without making a pledge. If I can have find the courage for shameless self-promotion, I can surely respect her courage for singing on-line.
Look at the neat little pledge button you get! There are three to choose from. I'm going to add this one to my sidebar also. Why not get a button for yourself?

How am I doing so far, Monty? You can take the gun away from head now. Seriously, she didn't have to force me to do this promotion, in fact, she didn't even ask me. I am only too glad to do this for her.



Peter said...

Boy you really had to squirm there Mike, to get away from that shame faced stunt you pulled on FTS.
You might just have redeemed yourself though, time will tell.

Emmy Ellis said...

LOL @ gun to head!


Zinnia said...

LOL, this is a wonderful blog site! Thanks for visiting me! I hope to return and read more soon.

Shannon akaMonty said...

Aw Mike, you're the best!! THANKS EVER SO!!!
And thanks for the pledge~I'll get you added to the list as soon as I get home from work tonight!! *SMOOCHSMOOCHSMOOCH*

Sudiegirl said...

Hey man...your song is sung and ready for FTS to hear.

I'll send the link - will you send your e-mail addy?


Anonymous said...

Congrats on being chosen by FTS!

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Congrats on getting into the big time (FTS designation). And I will run right over and help ol' Monty out. Thanks.

Raggedy said...

Congratulations on the FTS recognition. I am not worthy of such a recognition yet because I am a newbie. I will never measure up to y'all anyway. I hope one day to be among that elite list. I already donated to Monty as I visit her every day. I heard her first song too. *Big Smile
Have a wonderful day!
(=':'=) meow hugs
(")_ (")Š from da Raggedy one

Cheri said...

So well deserved (FTS recognition). Will you still remember us little guys as you climb the blogosphere ladder?!?!