"I saw her sitting in the rain,*(Lyrics: The Rain The Park And Other Things -the Cowsills)
Raindrops falling on her;
She didn't seem to care,
She sat there and smiled at me."*
The image at the right was lifted from Rain. I have visited her site on a few occasions by way of her comments left at some of those on my Blogroll. For the life of me, I don't know why I never added her - before now, that is.
Now that I have amended that omission, it is only right that I should bring her to the attention of you who may not be familiar with her.
....It just so happens that she would welcome your support during a trying time in her life. Her son, Rusty, is facing criminal charges and jail time. As with any case such as this, it has been a long and drawn out ordeal that has yet to reach closure.
....Won't you pay her a visit and offer her a kind and caring cyber hug?
Once at her site, you will be greeted by a very sexy buccaneer. I have reproduced it here:

By the way, her avatar 'ain't too shabby' either.
....Rain's site is one of the most visually pleasant-to-look-at sites I have had the pleasure of visiting. Oh, did I mention that she is also a good writer? She has a very nice tribute in words and pictures to the late Yvonne de Carlo, which I found to be very informative. Yvonne de Carlo was so much more than just Lily Munster.
Who knows, you just may be adding Rain to your Blogroll too. Not a bad idea from where I sit.
....I would be remiss if I didn't mention Jules, who shares Rain's anguish with her own son. Both will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Thanks for the tip. I stopped by and wished her and Rusty luck.
I love Rain...she's been one of my favorites for a long time now. And thanks for the prayers Mikey.
I hope everything works out okay for her son.
Aww, I love that song!
I am so touched and honored by your post. Thank you for reaching out to me in friendship, your very kind words and prayers
I believe that jules and I are living in parallel dimensions, we have so much in common it is eerie (in a very good way). Jules is my friend and I love her.
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