Saturday, May 02, 2009

Swine Kampf

It was said a long time ago that
"A black man would be president when pigs fly."
Well Lordy, Lordy,
behold 100 days into Obama's term as president.

Swine Flu!!

They're taking no chances at the Vatican
The Kathlik Kraut
Is seen here using a Holy spit guard.

Unrest on the Muppets' set.

Due To the Awful Economic Conditions,
People Are Trying To Catch
the Swine Flu
To End It All!

It's called SOOIECIDE !

'Twas the Wolf Who Was Afraid of
The Three Big Bad Pigs!

Don't Panic - Try Oinksip Max Today!

This is not a time to panic. It's no pig deal. It's only a mild hamdemic. Don't believe all that Spam that's spreading.

A blonde runs out of gas and calls her husband for help.

"Where are you?" he asks.

She answers, "Over on Main Street across the street from the gas station."

"Why can't you get gas there?"

"I'm afraid I'll catch that Swine Flu," she replied.

"Honey, listen closely," he said slowly, "The Swine Flu epidemic is in Mexico - not TEXACO!"

Aporkalypse Now
Be Afraid.


1 comment:

Hale McKay said...

That's my Pig Pen of oinking laughs.

Of course, this sickness is not a laughing matter.