Monday, May 09, 2005

A Placebo Of My Own

The ravages of the recent rain storms and the cold temperatures must have finally caught up to me. It started yesterday afternoon with a case of the chills. Although the room was a comfortable 70 degrees, I was quite literally freezing! Despite a sweater and coat, I could not get warm until a portable heater was placed in front of me and turned up to the highest setting.
~ My daughter and my future son-in-law had planned a cookout for Mothers Day. It was a welcome alternative to the previous years' celebrations. There were no reservations shackling us to a specific time. There were no traffic and parking headaches. There were no hostesses shepherding us to our table. There no were waitresses serving us and subtly rushing us, so that our table could be cleared for the next group of dining customers.
~ Actually, everything went quite well, except for one party-crashing mosquito with wing-tanks. (But that is another story; see the previous post, nbr. 136.) It was soon after we had eaten, that the chills came upon me. My wife drove home, as I was sure I shouldn't be driving.
~ That was yesterday. On a regimen of cold and flu remedies since the night before, I stayed home today. Having called in sick, I have been drinking fluids and resting. Recliner in full tilt and remote in hand, I have been trying to watch nothing on television. Nothing was easy to find as I surfed the gamut of channels. At one point, I landed on "Crossing Jordan," a coincidence as I was crossing boredom.
~ I don't envy anyone who is home on weekdays at all! With any luck, I'll feel better tomorrow. In the meantime, I kept myself amused watching reruns of "McGyver" and "The Sliders" while I wrote the draft for this blog.
~ Hmm, it's 4 o'clock. Time for the next dosage! I came to the decision a long time ago that most over-the-counter drugs are in fact glorified placebos. At great expense these drugs are pimped to us through commercials and advertisements. Each product promotes itself as the end-all cure-all for what ails us.
~ We are all different, and we all have different chemistries. What's good for one, isn't necessarily good for another. I know what works best for me. I have my own concoctions and combinations of those commercial medicines. It's not the first time I have been sick, and it certainly won't be the last.
~ Yes, I take my medicine. I take my own cure-alls, because I have a placebo of my own.

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