Why do some people insist on being the first to decorate their houses for Christmas? Do they enjoy putting undue pressure on their neighbors? Do they enjoy torturing me, specifically? It seems to me that I remember when nobody put up lights on their houses and in their yards until one week before Christmas.

I have received one not so subtle hint that we should put up the tree. Then the subtlety turns to: "You're going to put up the tree this weekend, aren't you?" That question, actually a disguised order, is soon followed by: "Aren't you going to decorate outside this year?"
"What's wrong with the flamingos and gnomes?" My answer is met with The Stare. You know the stare don't you? It's the one with those little daggers flying at you. Sometimes the stare is accompanied with a terse "Ha-Ha!" I glare out the window across the street at the house lit up like Times Square and Rockerfeller Plaza. What ever happ

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I will admit that once the tree is up, I start to get into the Christmas spirit. There's something to to be said about sitting in a darkened room looking at a decorated an lit Christmas tree. (You will kindly note that I refuse to call them holiday trees.)
I must admit that I am in the group of people who no longer use REAL Christmas trees. For the last three years we have been displaying a fiber-optic tree. Honest, once you have used one, you'll find it hard to ever want to use a real one again, tradition or not. From the time I bring it downstairs, unpack it, put it on the stand and plug it in - a whole ten minutes has passed. You don't even have to decorate it - no tinsel, no garland, no ornaments, and the best of all, no strings of lights! Plug it in and flip the switch - voila! I am mesmerized by the slow blinking and color changes that is emitted from each and every branch. Our tree has 750 branches, each its own light show.
I bet a fiber-optic tree is lovely! But my system is pretty easy, too. I get the ten-year old lightweight six foot cheap artificial tree box from the attic, set it down, and say "here ya go, kids". Next thing I know, its up and decorated.
I knew there were good reasons to have children around.
This is a good plan. Save the trees for making toilet paper. A guy can't have too much toilet paper.
I'm having a bit of trouble with the Christmas spirit thing this year. :(
Maybe I should go ahead & unpack the tree from the box that is still sitting in the dining room from last year. ;)
Oh, and I voted for you, by the way.
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