Sunday, August 27, 2006

If a Degree Falls In a Forest...

...Does it make a sound?

Okay ... Now that I've graduated to Beta Blogger, what now? This Diploma and a dollar bill won't even get me a cup of coffee.

Well, it does cover the hole in the plaster wall, formed as a result of a not-so-irresistible force, my fist, meeting a very immovable wall; that experiment a by-product of the transition to a new and improved Blogger.

Now I can hold my head high, despite the concussion suffered when making an even larger hole in another spot on the wall. Injured hand and head aside, I have survived the ordeal. Truth be told, the process was actually ... easy!

There were some bumps in the road, but none that weren't easily overcome. I was and am very impressed with the ease of working with the Sidebar now. I used to dread adding new site links and Blogs to my Blogroll. Don't you just hate having to worry about all those misplaced or omitted key board characters? A missing colon, back slash, or quotation mark made adding URLs a chore, all the while my coffee was turning cold.

When the rest of you make the switch, and you will have to eventually, it's not as bad as my opening paragraphs make it out to be. You can't go wrong by paying Peter a visit. He has an excellent post on the switch that is both detailed and informative, even for the "geek-challenged" hack like myself.

Look at it this way, if that Mike, Hale, Pointmeister, or what ever persona du jour he's using can do it - so can you!

If you find yourself in a bind, no matter how hopeless it seems, just hang in there! When in doubt - SAVE!

For me, Beta Blogger is sort of like a new toy. You will probably see something different on this site nearly every day for awhile. My previous sidebar was dull and boring, hardly worth more than a glance by visitors. With just a simple click and drag, I can rearrange it at will. I can as easily add images and text anywhere on the sidebar as I can remove them - all without plowing through some cumbersome HTML codes.

However, I have found a desire for the ability to use raw HTML coding, which is currently not available. On this particular template, I don't like some of the fonts used. I didn't find the 'day and date' to my liking. It's too large and takes away from the title of the post, hence I changed the color to a very pale green. The titles of my sidebar elements also are too large and only in lower case letters. These will be changed post-haste when HTML access is available.

I realize this is probably boring to most of you, so I'll just let my layout speak for itself.

Now for something special for a special Blogger friend, Jules, who wants to know "Where's the pictures, and I don't mean cartoons?" I sometimes forget that there is a certain segment of the Blogosphere that relishes juicy adult material. What can be more juicy than this pair?

Did you know that another special Blogger is about to become a radio star? She who impressed us with a wonderful 24-hour stint on the recent Blogathon, she who can bitch with the best of them, is about to hit the air waves. Go knock on Monty's door for the details. (You can see how good of a kisser she is!)

I think Monty Unexpurgated (How's that for a title, Monty?) will be a treat for all listeners. Reckon that now that she's hit the big time, she'll remember from where she came? Will she give out autographs? I wonder if she'll sign my BVDs?



Fred said...

Everything was fine until I got to the picture. I'm off now to toss my cookies. And then some.

Peter said...

Hi Mike, if you have had time to go visiting while you were effecting all the changes you will know I have had a visit from my favourite daughter and son in-law and first things first has been the rule, thus no visits.
Thanks for the rap re Beta Blogger, like you I am very impressed and BTW your html code should be available now, mine is.
Lots more reading to do, here and elsewhere.

Unknown said...

Oh!! this picture have a very fun unbelievable pictures